Recently, the uncontrolled Covid-19 pandemic has caused a rising number of infections in Indonesia. To overcome this condition, the government began to get vaccine-administered to the community as a path to herd immunity. In this case, UGM is one of the government channels to fasten the vaccine distribution over the country. UGM will hold mass vaccination on 20-21 March 2021, later placed at UGM Grha Sabha Pramana. This first vaccination program is intended for the elderly from lecturers and education staff of UGM, the community around the UGM, as well as lecturers and educational staff from universities around the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Meanwhile, the community around UGM comes from the elderly in the helmets of Kocoran, Karangmalang, Karangwuni, Sagan, Pogung Kidul, Sendowo, and Blimbingsari. The head of the helmets provided the identity’s list for each community, including the telephone numbers, names, and the number of their identity cards.
“The vaccination will start on 20 to 21 March. We also coordinate with the head of the helmets to enlist the community’s data that would be vaccinated,” explained the Head of COVID-19 Task Force, Dr. dr. Rustamadji, M.Kes., on Friday (19/3).
According to the Vice-Chancellor from the Field of Human Resources and Assets, Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Agus Kironoto revealed that this program’s goal is to help the government accelerate vaccine shots to the community.
“This vaccine program is essentially important. Not only to protect us from the Covid-19 transmission but also to revive social and economic activity from the pandemic impact,” Bambang said.
He also added to avoid a long queue for the Covid-19 vaccine, people are asked to fill the screening form first. In its implementation, UGM Task Force’s head has coordinated with the Provincial Dinkes of DIY, Dinkes of Sleman Regency, Kominfo of Sleman Regency, RSUP dr. Sardjito, RSA UGM, GMC, and Korpagama Clinic form 20 vaccination teams and other support teams, including Danone, Sari Husada, and Aqua.
There are about 9.875 doses of vaccine administered for the community in general. Specifically, 2.681 doses of vaccine will be given for the UGM elderly community, UGM community, and higher education academics around Yogyakarta.
Then, there are 2.142 doses of vaccine for non-elderly UGM lecturers and the amount of 5,052 doses for non-elderly UGM education staff. Those will be implemented, following in the availability of vaccines.
“Vaccine implementation on March 20 and 21 has coordinated with the Provincial Health Department (Dinkes), and it has received an allocation of vaccines as needed. On the other hand, the vaccine allocation for lecturers and non-elderly education staff are still in coordination with the DIY Ministry of Health and Provincial Health Department,” explained Bambang.
He pleaded support from all parties so that the vaccination process in UGM can run smoothly without constraints in pra-implementation, the-day-of-implementation, and post-vaccination. So that UGM can become actively engaged in the success of the vaccination program. He also revealed that vaccination programs for other groups, such as students, are still waiting for the central government’s policy regarding vaccine recipients’ priority order.
“UGM attempts to facilitate the implementation of mass vaccination for the whole UGM academicians,” he said.
Author: Gloria
Translator: Natasa