Covid-19 existence in Indonesia since early 2020 has given many effects on some sectors such as economy, social, and politics, etc., including energy. Covid-19 has shifted some changes in the utilization of world energy resources. A lecturer in Nuclear Engineering and Physics, Faculty of Engineering UGM, Ahmad Agus Setiawan, confirmed this phenomenon. He stated that transition occurred in the direction of utilization of world energy resources. This transition can be in the form of renewable energy resources. He also conveyed that this discussion had already existed before the pandemic, but the trend has only drastically increased just now.
“Once, there was a severe condition affected by Covid-19, on the other hand, it also brings the opportunity to the energy aspect,” said Ahmad as the guest lecturer in the lecture subject of “Kapita Selekta” at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Faculty of Engineering UGM, (23/4).
Ahmad also observed that there was an increase of awareness within the community to use clean energy. According to the data taken from the International Energy Agency (IEA), Ahmad quoted that the CO2 emission kept experiencing an increase. Coal and petroleum have been the biggest contributors to this increase. However, when the pandemic began, the community started to adjust to a new habit by staying at home. This phenomenon contributed a lot to energy saving, especially in fuel utilization. Moreover, it also increased the air quality in some big cities. Afterward, there began to appear a great demand for clean energy utilization.
On the other hand, Ahmad also conveyed that renewable energy was considered the cheapest energy resource. According to the data taken from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Ahmad quoted that costs for building solar power have fallen by 82 percent in the last ten years. Furthermore, this renewable energy concept has become a favorite interest for investors to build new power plants.
Indonesia Responses
The Indonesian governance gave a positive response to that energy transition concept. Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Arifin Tasrif, in the press conference after the Plenary Session of the National Energy Council at the State Palace in Jakarta (20/4), revealed that the government was currently planning the long-term renewable energy utilization plan.
“We currently have renewable energy utilization only up to 10,5 gigawatt. Hopefully, we can increase it by 2025 according to the accomplishment target of up to 24 thousand megawatts. Meanwhile, in the end, we can make it up to 38 thousand megawatts by 2035,” said Arifin.
Author: Aji Maulana