UGM again won a prestigious achievement in international award for its innovation. In conjunction with the celebration of World Intellectual Property Day, the competition this time came from Nigeria, especially from the Organization for Creativity, Innovation, and Invention Promotion (OCIIP) 2021. Several universities in Indonesia also participated in this competition. They were from Universitas Gadjah Mada, Brawijaya University, Malang State University, North Sumatra University, Muria Kudus University, Jember University, Airlangga University, Andalas University, Sebelas Maret University, State Secondary School 1 Lamongan Indonesia, State Secondary School Negeri 2 Semarang, and Hj. Isriati Baiturrahman 1 Semarang Elementary School. There were 72 groups from 48 countries because this competition was open to the public. Before the final, the finalists must engage in several stages such as proposal ideas, posters, and video submission. Next, they should deliver the presentation on April 12-16, and the announcement of the final will be on April 27, 2021.
The Fitwell Team from UGM consisted of Regita Rahma Maharatri, Deskantari Murti Ari Sadewa, and Nia Lestari Muqarohmah had previously engaged in a competition in Padang. This time, they had successfully won the gold award by presenting Food and Health: Fitwell App Changing your habit for better health “Your Healthy Pay” in OCIIP 2021.
“We proudly presented an application to promote a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, it is hoped that in the future people would be concerned about this as we know that health is the most challenging problem in every country,” said Regita on Tuesday (18/5).
“We once discussed it in our dormitory. However, pandemics forced us to be less in contact. Therefore, every single process turned to virtual. Still, we maintained consistency, motivation, and dedication as the three most prominent things,” Nia said.
Fitwell team devoted to create and develop innovation in the health field for the wider community. They also hoped that later this idea could be implemented to achieve the highest level of community welfare by implementing a healthy lifestyle.
Author: Desy