Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs for 2014-2015, Prof. Indroyono Soesilo, handed over a number of collections from Soesilo Soedarman Museum, Cilacap, to UGM Museum on Thursday (13/4).
The collections donated to the UGM Museum are related to significant figures of UGM, namely Prof. Herman Johannes and the current President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo.
“Let us preserve history to leave our children and grandchildren a legacy. Hopefully, this will be the starting point, and I appreciate the UGM Museum,” said Indroyono.
The handover on this occasion consisted of a photo of Indonesian guerrilla Herman Johannes from 1949, an Rp100 coin with Herman Johannes’ picture, an image of President Joko Widodo during a maritime patrol in Makassar Strait, a photo of the Working Cabinet, stamps and covers of President Joko Widodo’s first day in office, and stamps commemorating two years of Joko Widodo’s administration.
Herman Johannes was one of the pioneers of establishing the UGM Faculty of Engineering and the second Rector of UGM (1961-1966). He was directly involved in the struggle to repel the Dutch during Military Aggression I and II, for which he was awarded the title of National Hero in 2009, and a street in Yogyakarta was named after him. As a scientist, he produced many works that benefit society, such as an energy-efficient briquette stove.
These collections will complement the UGM Museum. The Joko Widodo collection, moreover, will be used to develop new themes that strengthen the role of UGM in building the nation and maintaining national character.
“UGM can also document its alumni who become state leaders so that future generations can get valid information,” said Secretary to the Rector of UGM, Dr. Wirastuti Widyatmanti.
The UGM Museum, which occupies a cultural heritage building in the Bulaksumur area, is designed as a dynamic museum that will continue to grow following the movement and dynamics of UGM. Visitors can enjoy the museum collection displayed chronologically, starting from the struggle of UGM figures in pioneering the establishment of UGM to the role of UGM in science and technology globally.
“This museum is our effort to build the spirit of UGM, so the more collections, the better. All will be useful for students and the UGM community to show UGM’s contribution to the nation building,” added the Dean of UGM Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Dr. Setiadi.
Author: Gloria
Photographer: Donnie