The UGM Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences hosted the Giornata della Ricerca Italiana nel Mondo, or Italian Research Day in the World, on April 13, 2023.
This activity is an annual agenda of the Italian Embassy around the world to commemorate the birthday of Leonardo Da Vinci (April 15), who is considered one of the representative figures in the world of science through his mastery in the fields of science, engineering, art, and philosophy.
The event opened with remarks from the faculty’s Dean, Prof. Kuwat Triyana; UGM Vice Rector for Research, Business Development, and Cooperation, Ignatius Susatyo Wijoyo; Head of National Research and Innovation Agency (NRIA), Dr. Laksana Tri Handoko; and the Italian Ambassador to Indonesia, H.E. Benedetto Latteri.
Dr. Laksana said the commemoration of the Italian research day at UGM could encourage increased cooperation between researchers from UGM and various universities in Italy, particularly in geophysics.
According to him, besides having rich biodiversity and the most active volcanoes in the world, Indonesia also has the risk of year-round geological and hydrometeorological natural disasters.
“Climate change greatly affects disasters in Indonesia, so an integrated warning system is needed,” the NRIA Head said.
Dr. Roberto Carniel, an applied geophysics researcher from the University of Udine, Italy, said that data reduction in volcanic characterization is necessary to facilitate system interpretation. It is mainly because reduced data streams can be used not only to characterize different volcanic regimes but also to determine transitions between them, examine their relationship with external or internal events such as seismic tectonics or volcano-tectonics, or look for precursors or phases of paroxysmal eruptions.
“These results can be an additional input for physical models to understand in detail the physical changes that occur in volcanic systems and their possible consequences,” Dr. Roberto said.
At least 66 researchers and guests, including professors, research groups, the Research and Development Center for Geological Disaster Technology, the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysical Agency, and several high school representatives in Yogyakarta, attended this event.
Authors: Gusti Grehenson/Shofi R.K.