UGM received a certificate and trophy for its achievement in getting a five-star rating in the 2022 Healthy University Rating System (HURS) from ASEAN University Network-Health Promotion Network (AUN-HPN) on Tuesday (3/5).
The award was presented by Professor Banchong Mahaisavariya, M.D., president of Mahidol University, to the UGM Rector, Professor Ova Emilia, on the UGM campus. Also present were the Chair of the Committee on HURS Development, Professor Chartchalerm Isarankura-Na-Ayudhya, and the Chair of UGM Health Promoting University (HPU), Professor Yayi Suryo Prabandari.
Professor Emilia felt proud when receiving the award trophy as a form of recognition for UGM’s success at the ASEAN level in realizing a healthy campus. This achievement is a comprehensive effort that began in 2019.
“This is a strong support and momentum to be even better in the future and become a role model at UGM and other universities in Indonesia and abroad,” she said.
Professor Prabandari added that HURS 2022 assesses 22 categories in the Healthy University Framework (HUF), divided into three main categories: systems and infrastructure that support a healthy campus, zero tolerance for behaviors that endanger health, and health promotion by universities.
“This is the result of hard work from all parties. Hopefully, UGM can maintain this achievement and even increase it to five stars plus in HURS 2023. In the future, we will continue striving to be a healthy campus through improvement and strengthening existing activities,” she explained.
Professor Chartchalerm Isarankura-Na-Ayudhya congratulated UGM for the achievement. The award was given to appreciate UGM’s success in developing a healthy campus for its community.
“Hopefully, in the future, UGM can share good practices in developing a healthy campus with other universities,” he said.
Author: Ika
Photographer: Firsto