The Ambassador of Qatar to Indonesia, HE Fawziya Edrees Salman Al-Sulaiti, met the Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Professor Ova Emilia, at the UGM Main Building on Monday (8/5) to organize the Qatar-Indonesia Year of Culture, which will take place in Yogyakarta in June.
Both also agreed to explore opportunities for cooperation between UGM and Qatar University in education, research, and community service.
“Her visit aims to build cooperation because UGM has not cooperated much with universities in Qatar. There is an initiative with Qatar University that will be followed up and signed in June. Qatar University will come here,” said Director of Partnership, Alumni, and International Affairs, Dr. Puji Astuti, to reporters.
Dr. Astuti said in the meeting between the Qatari Ambassador and UGM Rector, several areas of research cooperation were agreed upon, including economy, science, and health. She added Ambassador Fawziya would bridge the collaboration between UGM and Qatar University and later between UGM and other universities in Qatar.
“First, we will cooperate with Qatar University,” she explained.
Professor Emilia emphasized that UGM and Qatar University could do many research collaborations, such as in biomedicine, renewable energy, and food security.
“There are many research options that can be explored and worked on. I think later the Qatari side can invite other countries interested in the available research themes to join to benefit the world community,” Professor Emilia explained.
The Qatari Ambassador welcomed the cooperation between UGM and Qatar University that could further tighten diplomatic ties between Indonesia and Qatar. She also agreed on the collaboration form involving the exchange of lecturers and staff between the two universities to improve the quality of human resources.
Author: Gusti Grehenson
Photographer: Donnie