the Board of Trustees, hereinafter the BoT, shall mean the Universitys highest decision making body that represents the government, the Universitys Community, and the public.
Chair :
Sofian Effendi, MPIA., Dr., Prof. (ret).
Secretary :
Supama, M.Si., Dr.
Members :
- Prof. Dr. Ir. KH. Mohammad Nuh, DEA
- Prof.Ir. Sudjarwadi, M.Eng., Ph.D.
- Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X
- Susamto,Prof., Dr., Ir., M.Sc
- Hardyanto Soebono, Prof., Dr., Sp.KK., dr.
- Didik Purwadi, Ir..M.Ec., Dr.
- Sri Peni Wastutiningsih, Dr. Agr.
- Sutaryo, dr., Sp.A(K)., Dr. Prof.
- Agus Ridwan, S.P., MM.
- Triyanto, SH.
- Luthfi Hamzah Husin.
- Ahmad Pramono, S.Pt., MP.
- Kapti Rahayu Kuswanto, Dr., Prof.
- Bambang Praswanto, Drs., M.Si.
- Ainun Na’iem, Dr., Prof
- Ahmad Mursyidi, M.Sc., Apt., Dr., Prof.
- Sri Suparjati Sunarto, dr., Ph.D., Prof.
- Heri Zudianto, SE., Akt., MM.
- Moh. Mahfud MD, SH., SU., Dr., Prof
- Sri Purnomo, Drs., M.Si.
- Luhut B. Panjaitan.