Joni Martono, S.Pd., the honorary teacher of SMPN 9 Yogyakarta, was the champion of the Logogram Design Competition which was held to celebrate the 60th lustrum of UGM. As the champion, Joni Martono receives the charter and Rp. 5 million. The reward was given directly by the head of UGM, Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi M.Eng, Ph.D., at UC Resto, Wednesday (25/3).
The logogram designed by Joni depicted the synergy of UGM and the government in developing the society. The logogram was chosen the best logogram from the 5th champions in the competition. There are 616 designs judged by the jury team lead by Ir. Bambang Hari Wibisono, M.U.P., M.Sc., Ph.D.
As the first champion, Joni who has a side job as the graphic designer confesses that he is very happy. For the first time he can be the first winner after 24 times joining the same competition. “I’ve joined the logogram design competition 24 times, and this is the first time I become the winner, while for the poster competition, I’ve participated for 15 times, and won twice,†says Joni who teaches plastic arts and graphic design
This UNY Plastic Arts bachelor graduate valued that the competition went fairly and was done in a short time. UGM Rector Sudjarwadi made a remark that all the designs are great, but the main point is that the work has to correlate with the theme of the UGM’s Anniversary. In the meantime, the vice-rector, Prof. Ir. Atyanto Dharoko, M.Phil., Ph.D., said that many people are very interested in the competition. There are at least 412 participants who join the competition bringing with them 616 works. Based on the result and the rule of the competition, the logogram that wins will be used by the committee as the formal logogram for the celebration of UGM 60th lustrum of the year.
It has been informed by Drs. Suryo Baskoro, M.S. as the head of Public Relations and Protocol of UGM, that the participants of the competition come from all over Indonesia, for example from Ambon and Bali. In addition, the announcement of the competition was only conveyed through the website of UGM. “The development of IT nowadays and the big number of people who access the website give a great contribution,†says Suryo.
(Public Relations of UGM/Gusti Grehenson)