A change from higher learning institutions to research universities – based on the Higher Education Long Term Strategy (HELTS) 2003-2010 issued by the Higher Education Directorate General of the National Education Ministry of the Republic of Indonesia – shows that one of the research roles in higher learning education is to increase the nation’s competitiveness. Such change of paradigm has already taken place to some other universities, including State Owned Legal Entity (BHMN), and General Services Agency (BLU) to the Education Legal Institution (BHP). With this last change of form, research universities are not only challenged in terms of management of university and academic staff but also internally changed.
Thus was said by the Head of the Institute of the Research and Community Service (LPPM), Prof. Dr. Ir. Danang Parikesit, M.Sc., whilst opening the Workshop on Research Management and Community Service on Tuesday (21/7) at the Multimedia Room, UGM. He said that to realise this vision, a fundamental and comprehensive change needs to be carried out for quality improvement and research management at the LPPM of each university based on good governance. Some ways to do are, among others, through the implementation of research quality standards, research quality assurance system and certification of reviewers.
Therefore, in order to implement transparency and accountability of administration and financial matters of research management, Danang said, a contract standardisation needed to be performed with partners and researchers at universities. Through the ICT-based research management: e-proposal development, online submission and evaluation, e-research database, e-logbook and online KKN-PPM at the LPPM – all of those can be implemented for all faculties.