Rector of UGM Prof. Sudjarwadi accepted the visit of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Rector Prof. Komaruddin Hidayat at the Leaders Meeting Room of Central Office of UGM on Friday (19/6). UGM rector was accompanied by the head of LPPM UGM, Prof. Danang Parikesit, the secretary of LPPM Dr. Wisnu Nurcahyo and the Manager of KKN-PPM Dr. Joko Prastowo.
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Rector visited UGM to learn more about the implementation of KKN-PPM Program, which has given enormous benefits for the knowledge development and empowerment of the civil society. It is hoped that in the future UIN Syarif Hidayatullah will be able to implement the KKN concept similar to UGM’s KKN-PPM program.
In the occasion, the head of LPPM UGM described several aspects of the KKN-PPM program in UGM, especially the research information management and the society service. To manage information, a good strategy that encourages internal and external side in participating and supporting the program is needed.
It was also added that the KKN-PPM program’s objective is to continuously improve the quality and also develop a network and collaboration base. “Internal aspects include strengthening the institution and improving the management,†he explained. In the implementation of the program, UGM also involve several partners such as the government, industry, NGO, etc.
(Public Relations of UGM/Ika)