Location and Function
University of Gadjah Mada has two library units:
Unit I library is located in Tri Darma street, at the south of UGM Central Office, Bulaksumur. This is a three-floored building with divisions as mentioned below: The first floor is for the hospitality desk, internet access, reference, national publishing, and administration office. The second floor is for the magazine/journal services, UGM local documentation and publication, provision room, processing room, maintenance room database room, and network and website operator room. The third floor is for the American Corner, meeting room, and classroom.
Unit II library is located in C. Simanjuntak street, Sekip. The library occupies the second and third floor of this building, with divisions as mentioned below: The second floor is for member services, collection borrowing, and internet services. The third floor is used as reading room.
There are 18 faculty libraries in UGM now, plus 30 study centers and institution libraries. Due to the SK (letter of command) of UGM Rector No. UGM/004/471/UM/01/37 dated January 17, 1990 about Library Centralization in UGM, the management of human resources in the status of librarian spread over the workplaces in UGM is under the coordination of the UGM library.
The function of UGM libraries is to give information services to the civitas academica of Gadjah Mada University as an attempt conforming the Tri Dharma (three duties) of University that comprises education, research, and dedication to the society. The activities done by the UGM library include:
- Provising and improving collection
- Managing book and reference
- Giving services to users
- Maintaining and preserving book and reference
- Providing collection and facility research for user s need
- Publishing scientific information
- Giving counseling for users
User services
Up until the end of 2004, UGM library’s collections of text books and scientific works had reached 92.465 titles of 120.735 copies, 2.700 titles of journal collection and periodic publishing (offline) and 4.000 titles of online journal, which are accessible in www.lib.ugm.ac.id
UGM library also gives internet access services to users, both in unit I and II libraries. Borrowing service has used software SIPUS V.2. Those who have already had Gama Card can use the activated card and are allowed to borrow up to 5 copies at a time. Those who don’ t have or don’ t use Gama Card are served in different system.