UGM lost one of its best lecturers, Prof. Dr. Ir. Achmad Sumitro Purwodipoero, who passed away on Monday, 21 September 2009, 17.30 hours, at RSUP Sardjito, Yogyakarta. The Professor Emeritus of Faculty of Forestry was 74 years old.
This former Dean of Faculty of Forestry was buried on Tuesday, 22 September 2009, at 14.00 hours at UGM cemetery in Sawitsari, preceded by a ceremony at Balairung. The academic community paid their last respect to him during the ceremony.
“Prof. Achmad Sumitro was very concerned with illegal logging and illegal trade. Because, if these were not stopped, industrial revitalization would have not been possible, and forest rehabilitation and conservation would have been useless and eventually affect the efforts to increase social prosperity,” said the Rector, Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M.Eng., Ph.D., in his opening speech.
Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Achmad Sumitro Purwodipoero was born in Jakarta, 2 December 1935. In his career he became Dean of Faculty of Forestry UGM for three periods in a row from 1977-1988. He left his wife, Hj. Djudju Djumaelah, and nine children. Hj. Djudju Djumaelah was his second wife, following the death of his first wife, Hj. Astuti.
Editorial Correction:
The last paragraph reads, “In his career, he became Dean of the Faculty of Forestry UGM for three consecutive periods, 1977-1988.” The correct one should be “In his career, he served as Dean of the Faculty of Forestry UGM for 1978-1979, 1980-1981, 1988-1991, and 1991-1994.”
This correction is to rectify the error in the paragraph. Thank you.