Fakhrudin Al Rozi, a student from Aquaculture Department of Agriculture Faculty won the national environmental papers competition held by the Academic Directorate of Ditjen Dikti in Surabaya, 31 Oktober-2 November 2008. His paper won from 290 other papers from various State Universities and Private Universities in Indonesia.
The paper was entitled â€Environmentally Friendly and Continuous Shrimp Cultivation through the Application of Antagonist Bacteria as the Bio-control on Windu Shrimp’s Vibriosis†The man who was born in Bantul 10 January 1985 offered a solution to overcome the vibriosis bacteria by using natural bacteria such as Lactobacillus spp, Bacillus spp dan Staphylococcus spp. Vibriosis bacteria can cell 90% of Windu Shrimps larva which ages are less than a month.
Rozi explained that the vibriosis bacteria attack is one of the main problems for windu shrimps cultivator from early 1990 until now. The disease is commonly known as the “glowing shrimpâ€, since shrimps that suffer from the disease will glow in the dark.
There have been numbers of research conducted to find the solution, some of them are the use of medicines and anti-biotic. However, the use of medicines and anti-biotic can be dangerous, since in a certain level in can improve pathogen bacteria resistance to the anti-biotic. Moreover, anti-biotic is persistent in the environment and eventually can become a boomerang for Indonesian Shrimp exports. He also added that European countries have forbidden the use of anti-biotic to windu shrimps.
Rozi said that the importance of the utilization of antagonist bacteria as a bio-control agent will increase in the future, since it can reduce or even dismiss the use of antibiotic and eventually there will be an environmentally friendly cultivating system that is make use of bio-security system in order to reduce the contaminated risk in shrimp cultivation.
(Public Relations of UGM/Gusti Grehenson)