User’s satisfaction is the main purpose of designing a new instrument, as well as the key to success in sales. Therefore, the nature of an instrument is to "serve". Complex and sophisticated instruments are allowed as long as the nature of "serving" is still there.
According to Prof. Ir. Sunarno, M. Eng., Ph.D., an instrument is a product that "simplifies", not "complicates". The creator of the instrument must consider the user as the "master" and should realize that the user will become more and more spoiled.
"Indulgence is one form of ‘problem’ which must be resolved because the perceptions of the users in formulating the problem can potentially damage the future business of user satisfaction," he explained at the UGM Senate Hall, Monday (5 / 10).
The expert in instrumentation designing, radiation effects and telecontrol system mentioned these when he was inaugurated as a Professor in the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada. The man born in Males Solo, November 24th 1955, delivered a speech entitled "Technology-Based Instrumentation for Solving Problems".
He said that in the process of designing an instrument, ideally, you should involve the user, either directly or indirectly. This needs to be done to reduce the risk of wasting materials and repairing in the design of the instrument. Sunarno assumes that there is always a weak side of an instrument from a user’s perspective. The criteria of weaknesses can change from time to time. "What satisfying for now can become a weakness in the next time," he said.
Therefore, the growth of problems and increase in user’s indulgence is a challenge, as well as an inspiration in creating a new version of the instrument. This is expected to give the satisfaction that the users hope for. "How users and potential users tell each other about their satisfaction is the golden road to success in marketing the products," added the father of three children and the husband of Handayani Dwiri.
Sunarno further stated that people basically have a growing indulgence. Instruments that satisfy them today will not necessarily be able to give satisfaction in the future. The level of satisfaction often must be given a bigger dosage from day to day, especially if a competitor has given even more dosage. Thus, sensitivity to the satisfaction will evolve toward excessive indulgence, which will often result to small profit received by the manufacturer.
"It is possible that at a certain level of development, the production becomes saturated and no longer profitable. Household products, such as TV, refrigerator, washing machine, etc. are no longer able to provide high profits. A new item in the electronics product of this kind is very difficult to get profit, except when making innovations that spoil consumers, "said the alumnus of S3 Electronics Nuclear Program, Osaka University 1995 Japan.