Lack of international publications in scientific journals happens to various professional organizations from several fields of science, one of which is the Indonesian Mathematical Society (IndoMS), an umbrella organization for Indonesian mathematicians.
Widodo said that IndoMS encourages members to increase its international publication during an international conference from 12-13 October 2009, at FMIPA, UGM. It was attended by some 380 participants and five speakers from Germany, Austria, Singapore, and India and four Indonesian speakers. At the conference 231 papers were be presented, 48 of which will be recommended to be published internationally.
Widodo is still concerned about the low appreciation from the public and teachers, though recently the government has started to pay attention by giving appreciation to winners of Olympic math. Even more worrying, continued Widodo, most students are afraid of math because the subjects in math books rarely touch the daily life, therefore, the way of teaching needs to be changed.