To celebrate Mother’s Day which falls on December 22, Graduate Student Association (HMP), UGM, Tuesday (8 / 12), organized a Group Discussion Forum with the theme ‘Women’s Issues from Different Perspectives’. Present as the guest speaker in this event was Reni Nuryanti, MA, Ui Ardaninggar Luthitianti, S. Sos., Eko Cahyono, S.Th.I., Eka Ariayandi, SIP, Witri Hepriani, S. Sos., and Jumarana, S. Sos. It took three hours for the discussion to take place at the HMP UGM Secretariate room.  It produced a variety of discourses about women in all dimensions.
In the conclusion read by Basrin Melamba, SS, who was also the moderator of the discussion, it is said that women should understand the dimensions of maternality and femininity before stepping in a broader space in public and domestic spaces. "Disorientation on the concept of self-understanding will only bring a woman to cultural confusion, facing issues of the development of the era. In principle, women should not try to be masculine to seem powerful in a man’s eyes, but by using her femininity, she’ll get everything, "said Basrin.
This discussion which was attended by approximately 25 postgraduate students is one of the monthly discussions held by HMP UGM. The HMP holds discussions with other themes which are interesting, actual and important.