Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M.Eng., Ph.D., Wednesday (16/12) night, presented awards to 25 alumni who have good achievements in their respective fields. The awards were divided into five categories. Included in the category of service in remote areas were dr. Hj. Nuke Hartinah Setiati (Head of Bukit Kapur Health Community Centre in Riau), dr. Sudanto (the “Rp2000 doctor†in Abepura, Papua), Eko Prabowo, S.S. (teacher of Junior High School of Muting in the interior of Merauke), dr Aryono Wardiman (doctor in the interior of Kutai Kertanegara), and Ilham Syifa, M.Si. (village chief of Tanjungori, Bawean island).
In the category of regional development, awards were given to Drs. Soelarno (Regent of Purbalingga during 1989-1999 term of office), Drs. Wellington Wenda, M.Si. (Regent of Bintang Hillside in Papua), Ir. Ismun Uti Adan (inventor of cheap windmill) and drh. Agus Sutrisno (poultry developer in Brebes, Tegal and Banyumas)
In the category of students recruitment there were R. Muhammad Badjuri, S.H. (Padang Sidempuan High School 1954-1957), Prof. Dr. Bimo Walgito (Religious Teacher School and High School of Payakumbuh), Dra. Hj. Aswarni Sudjud, M.Sc. (Religious Teacher School of Solok 1957-1959), H. Soenarsono, B.Sc. (Religious Teacher School of Pematang Siantar 1957-1960) and Hj. Sumarni Umar Suwito, B.A. (Religious Teacher School of Tanjungkarang, 1957-1959).
In the category of advancing education in the regions, the recipients were Drs. K.R.H.H. Anwar Chanani (pioneering Mulawarman University, East Kalimantan), Drs. H. Lalu Azhar (pioneering higher learning in West Nusa Tenggara), Drs. H.M. Jusuf Paddong (pioneering higher learning in South Sulawesi), Drs. H. Soedjono (pioneering in Cirebon), and Prof. Dr. Ir. Zainal Muktamar, M.Sc. (Rector of Bengkulu University).
In the category of developing network and implementing UGM values, the recipients were Ir. Budi Karya Sumadi (Managing Director of PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Tbk.), Ir. Ikhsyat Syukur (Chief of Regional Association of Indonesian Geologists), Prof. Dr. Slamet Widodo, M.M. (Chief of UGM Alumni Association of South Sumatera), Ir. Sudjatmiko (Managing Director of PT Esakta Profesitama), and Dr. Ir. Rudy T. Koesnendar, M.F. (Regional Coordinator of UGM Alumni Association in Central Indonesia).
The Rector also presented awards to students, educational and non-educational staff (see list). In his speech, the Rector said that the awards to alumni were the first and targeted at alumni who have dedicated themselves to people in various regions. The Rector hoped that the awards can give inspiration to all members of UGM academic community and the Indonesian people.
“Those who have achievements will inspire UGM academic community as educators, non-educational staff, and students,†the Rector said. He added that the awards were also aimed at producing better and meaningful idols toward a better Indonesia. “Although they have different financial conditions but they have the same dedication to the people,†he said. The Rector hoped that in the future there will be more UGM alumni who can inspire others.