Dojo Hotspot Center
Indra Haryadi, a student of Computer Science Department, UGM, succeeded in gaining the second winner in the category of Creative Industry Student with his paid Wi-Fi provider service. His initiative in that business started after the booming of Wi-Fi facility for laptop users. With 80 million rupiahs, he opened a hotspot center which he named Dojo Hotspot Center. His business since 27 April 2008 has strengths. “Dojo provides speed access up to 6,489 Kbps and competent operators and has Japanese atmosphere in it,†the student of 2004 explained.
Although customers have to pay for the Internet access, Indra ensured that they get fast and comfortable access. Dojo only charges 2,500/hour for members and 3,500/hour for non-members. He runs his business in a two floor house in Pogung Kidul, Yogyakarta. In 2008 he was able to generate some 160 million; in 2009 it increased to 280 million with 130 million in profit.