Entering its 5th anniversary, PT Gamatechno was grateful because it has succeded in implementing integrated information system for over 50 universities in Indonesia. Besides, PT Gamatechno Indonesia has made a contribution to the creation of comfortable public transportation through smart card based ticketing.
UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M.Eng., Ph.D., emphasized that volcanic activity and its impacts are a natural laboratory that can be a resource of knowledge for world community. Therefore, ideas and experience to help handle Merapi disaster’s impact can be summarized as basic capital to make good program planning and implementation in the future.
Meanwhile, General Director of Gamatechno, Muhammad Aditya, said that
the future trend is there will be more companies whose status is General
Service Agency as it has more flexibility in financial management
compared to existing management system.
Attending in that event were Vice Rector for Alumni and Business
Development, Prof. Ir. Atyanto Dharoko, M.Phil., Ph.D., representatives
from State Universities and Private Universities, Transportation Agency,
provincial government, regency governments, etc.
“From the experience and ideas, we can handle the process quickly as there is eruption anytime in the future,” said Sudjarwadi on Tuesday (21/12).
He said that UGM is one of participants who gave help in the handling of Merapi disaster. However, UGM still prioritizes collective intelligence as one of foundations to build collective understanding. “Everybody has their own ideas and experience, if all is communicated and combined, so it will produce a knowledge.
According to Hastono Bayu, not only the card can detect scientific papers but can also be used for online registration, academic registration, students portal, library card, financial system, accountancy and budgeting, evaluation of department, scholarship and website system.