Education for students with academic potential and special talent is not optimally provided. There are many students with academic talent becoming underachievers. This will obstruct the empowerment of human resource potential if it continues.
Drs. I Wayan Dharmayana, M.Si., a lecturer of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Educational Sciences of Bengkulu University mentioned that this phenomenon is also found in several state Senior High Schools in Yogyakarta. In the past three years, academic achievements of excellent students whose final exam’s grades were more than 9 in Junior High School turned out to have grades below their actual academic potentials.
The lecturer mentioned that their academic achievement is actually not merely because of their general intellectual but their attachment to the school. The attachment to the school is an antecedence that directly affects their academic achievements.
Further, he explained to the board of examiners his dissertation entitled “The role of Emotional Competence and Attachment to School in Academic Achievement of Excellent Students in State Senior High Schools in Yogyakartaâ€, that maximizing emotional competence and student’s attachment to school can also maximize academic achievements.
Learning process evaluation can be done by considering the development of each student’s academic activities in the collection of student learning process, whether in their response to individual tasks or in group, daily tests, material deepening, and homework are very useful for maintaining student’s attachment to school.
The husband of Dra. Ni Ketut Suarini added that the development of learning program actually should not only focus on academic achievement as the final result but also on the previous processes such as student’s emotional competence. Besides, to make student more engaged to the study at school, it is important to design educational and learning programs that can train them to develop their personal and social competence.