Center for Korean Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada, in cooperation with the Korea Foundation organize an annual workshop for Korean language teachers of senior high schools. The event disseminating knowledge about Korea in the past five years expanded the scope of participants from local level in Yogyakarta Special Province to the regional level in Java, and the national one in year 2009.
This time, the 6th Korean Workshop was held from 27 to 30 April 2010 under the theme Knowing Various Aspects of Korea. The workshop was attended by 30 high school teachers; five of them were selected to make a presentation, sharing experience about the Korean study as a subject of teaching over the years. "Unlike the five previous workshops, this time it is intended to encourage the use of materials about Korea, which have been distributed during the workshop, as high school teaching materials," said Ratih Pratiwi Anwar, a member of the committee on UGM campus, Friday (7/5).
The workshop presented speakers from various disciplines, such as Prof. Dr. Djoko Suryo who discussed the history of Korea, Prof. Yang Seung-yoon (Korean politics), and Dr. Novi Siti Kussuji Indrastuti (Modernization of Traditional Korean Clothing), Suray Agung Nugroho, M.A. (Hallyu’s Korean Wave), Yuliawati Dwi Widyaningrum, M.A. (Korean Traditional Belief), and Dr. Mukhtasar Syamsuddin (Moral Education in Korea).
The event which was attended by Officer Program of the Korean Foundation, Ms. An Kyu Eun, also featured speakers Ratih Pratiwi Anwar, M. Si., who talked about Korea’s Latest Economic Power and Dr. Yuda Heru Febrianto about Technology of Korea, in addition to several other speakers.
Related to this activity, Ratih explained that educational and research cooperation between the Republic of Indonesia and the Republic of Korea at the institutional level has long been established. UGM Center for Korean Studies established in 1996 and the Korean Department at Faculty of Cultural Sciences established in 2003 have bridged this cooperation. "This cooperation covers academic and research areas between Indonesia and South Korea. This activity is expected to raise active participation of both parties in the development and dissemination of Korea studies at UGM," explained Ratih.
Ratih assessed that South Korea is a country in East Asia that develops rapidly in economy, science, technology, government, and culture. With this workshop, high school teachers are expected to understand more about various aspects of Korea and reflect for the improvement and development of education for the younger generation. "The Center for Korean Studies will conduct the monitoring of Senior High Schools participating in this workshop, especially related to the provision of materials. Results of this monitoring will be used as an evaluation for the implementation of the next workshop," she concluded.