YOGYAKARTA (KU)- Pancasila is marginalized structurally as seen in several aspects, ontological, epistemological, and pragmatic. Researcher of Magister in Policy Studies of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Arqom Kuswanjono, gave an example of some attempts to change Pancasila with another ideology. “In fact, Pancasila should be understood in terms of substance or form and I saw there’s been some effort to change this ideology with another ideology,” said Arqom in a discussion at the Masri Singarimbun Hall at UGM, on Thursday (3/6/2010).
Arqom said that epistemological marginalisation is visible in the fact that Pancasila is not made the reference for drafting regulations; therefore, many regulations are deviating from Pancasila. For instance, the Law of Education Legal Entity that has been cancelled because it is ideologically flawed. Pancasila education is not included, either, in the National Education System Law No 20 Year 2003. “Not to mention the neo-liberal economic policy,” he said.
Meanwhile, pragmatic marginalisation means that Pancasila is not consistently made a reference for national morality, so, it has caused demoralization among Indonesian people. He gave examples of some corruption cases and conflict between people. “The social function of religion has decreased and changed with religious conflict potentials,” he added.
The structural marginalization of Pancasila has caused Indonesia lose its identity, making it as if there was an empty room that allows the entrance of neo-liberalism, communism, fundamentalism, and faiths that are considered deviating from the mainstream by many. “Pancasila actually does not position other ideologies as opponents, but how can we accommodate others in order that their good and positive characteristics can benefit the nation,” Arqom explained.
Arqom said that some people still saw Pancasila in terms of its history while the fact is that Pancasila can be explored further. On the other side, with the more marginalized position, the national leaders have not given examples of how to implement Pancasila in the daily life. “We need examples and role model given by leaders. The unavailabilty of these, or the bad examples of these, will surely affect the grassroots level,” he ended.