From 4 – 5 June 2010, the Indonesian Law Student Association (Permahi) held a congress in Yogyakarta. The event at the Engineering Educational Training School at Jalan Kyai Mojo was attended by 20 branches of Permahi across Indonesia. Irwansyah, S.H., S-2 student of the Faculty of Law of UGM, also chair of the committee, said that the congress was held to elect new leadership and do internal reorganisation. “A national seminar has preceded the event, highlighting Indonesia’s latest legal condition,” he said on Friday (4/6).
He explained that the national seminar carried the theme of National Law Development Strategy in the Unitary State of Republic of Indonesia. The seminar was considered an important one by the community and legal observers, moreover by participants as it will motivate Permahi in the future. "This is so because this seminar focused on the latest legal and society condition that is now making a distance from national unity. The situation even leads to national disintegration,” he added. Therefore, after the seminar that presented speakers Sutito, S.H., who declared Permahi, Iwan Satriawan, S.H., M.C.L., and Chair of Permahi executive board, Gazali Ibrahim, S.H., Permahi is expected to continue to focus on unifying legal elements in Indonesia.