Meanwhile, Purwo Santoso highlighted local election costs that are very expensive because of the unclear meaning of the terms of public and private. Consequently, political spaces, such as those in the House of Representatives and other state institutions, remain a fertile field for the emergence of corruption cases. Viewed from the economic angle, Harry Gemilang assessed that corruption produces incredible multiply effect of economy. For example, for someone who has committed corruption, the Supreme Court ruled that the amount of money that should be returned to the state is less than the corrupted amount. The taxpayers from all social circle will eventually have to repay it.
Furthermore, Danang Kurniadi of UGM Pukat Corruption explained that most corruption cases occured in the center of power in Jakarta, particularly in year 2008. These decreased the public confidence in law enforcement institutions. The KPK, however, is still seen as a credible institution because it has a positive image in corruption eradication efforts. "Hence, the institution founded in 2003 has become a ‘waste basket’ until recently, or an institution that continually receives ‘junk’ cases not resolved by the police and judiciary," said Danang.
At the end of the seminar, the four speakers, moderator, and participants agreed to seek a way to ‘impoverish’ corruptors by building a movement that is systemic, well-planned, elegant, non-violent, and based on the study. This movement is called Intellectual Movement Against Corruption.