Yogyakarta – Living physically, mentally and socially healthy whilst aging certainly is everyone’s expectation. But can we successfully pass the period of our youth and adulthood whilst preparing for our advanced years? It it not easy to find the answer.
Life expectancy of Indonesian people according to Family Health Survey year 2000 was 72 years old, meaning that many Indonesian people can reach 72 years of age. However, it does not mean that people at that age are entirely free from diseases. “Getting old is certainly not free from physical, psychological and social problems,” said andrology specialist Faculty of Medicine UGM, dr. Dicky Moch. Rizal, Sp.And, AIFM, M.Kes, in a seminar entitled Creating Healthy Life Style in Old Age During Degenerative Process held by GMC Health Center at R. Margono Suradji Room, Faculty of Dentistry UGM, Saturday (3/7).
He added that the physical aspect among senior people is showed by the emergence of degenerative process or de-functionalization or structural change of the whole organs. If this process is getting heavier, it is likely that aging people will spend their time doing medical checks, having illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension, heart and blood vessel diseases, auto-immune, infection or dilipidemia. “The emergence of diseases will influence all aspects of life, including sexuality and finally the decrease of life quality,” he explained.
On that occasion, Dicky explained several steps to prevent and overcome complaints of degenerative diseases, including simple efforts that can be done by the people themselves and medical efforts. The simple efforts are done through healthy nutrition rich in antioxidants, sports, avoiding stress and no smoking. Meanwhile, medical efforts can be done by having insulin and hormone therapy. “The prevention can be done by the people, either by simple efforts or medical ones,” he added.
Meanwhile, dr. Probosuseno, Sp.PD, K.Ger, FINASIM from Geriatric Subsection, Internal Disease Sciences Section, Faculty of Medicine UGM/SMF Geriatrics RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta said that the appearance of diseases in old age is often unclear, chronic, endogenous, hidden, multiple, progressive, not giving immunity, even more vulnerable to diseases and causing deformity before death.
Almost similar to Dicky’s views, Probosuseno also mentioned several degenerative diseases that frequently appear in old age, such as hypertension, arteriosclerosis, cancer, diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, and gall stone. “Sometimes those diseases are unclear that may cause deformity before death,” he said.
Especially about diabetes mellitus, Probosuseno said that it can be prevented by monitoring the influential factors such as genetic, obesity, or overnutrition. Besides, we can do treatment to prevent complication though we are already sick. If there is complication, we should prevent it from getting worse. “For example, we have our eyes checked every 6-12 months, chest radiograph every 1-2 years, regular urine and foot check up,” explained Probosuseno.
The life expectancy will be more efficient and effective if people with diabetes mellitus establish an sssociation such as the Indonesian Diabetician Association that has reached the national level. It is necessary that each health agency has diabetes educator or that diabetes center is established.