History has recorded that student role has become one of the pillars of this nation’s independence. Through long struggle, the students have made memorable history. The evidence of their struggle and sacrifices in carrying out heroic missions is seen in the strong, brave, intelligent, and optimistic personality. "These students always take heroic role who managed to bring changes to the nation," explained Drs. Sindung Tjahyadi, M. Hum., Head of Center for Pancasila Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Tuesday (6/7).
The statement was delivered by Sindung in Nation’s Cadre Training held in the Center and in Krebet Village, Pajangan, Bantul. According to Sindung, managing civilization is never separated from the responsibility of students because they can realize it. "A necessity is that today’s reality is a dream of the past and the reality of tomorrow is a dream of today. Students have remarkable potential. Intelligence, emotional maturity, and physical fitness are capitals that can not be measured with anything. By maximizing their potentials, undoubtedly desirable changes or improvements can be realized," he said again.
Socio-cultural problems today illustrate that some of the people tend to think pragmatically on the nation’s problems. They have even ignored nationalism in their desire to resolve those problems. "Only the indifferent attitude remains and is reflected in personality. If this condition continues to remain, then the emerging question is where the role of the students is today and what their contribution to Indonesia?" Sindung added.
Therefore, in order to facilitate and nurture the potential of Indonesian students, the Nation’s Cadre Training is needed as one alternative to produce students who have good insight, nationalism and commitment, leadership that has adversity and kinesthetic intelligence (sports), intellectual (thought), emotional and spiritual. "It’s not easy to change the character of generation, but if not now, then when? If not us, then who else? We must start from ourselves, start from even a small thing, and start right now," said Sindung.
The training that lasts for three days from 6 – 8 July, 2010 revealed the current Indonesian problems through film screenings. There are also presentation, lecture, discussion, and games as well as "Training Mind Sports through Logical, Critical, and Creative Thinking" program and physical exercises training to build intrapersonal intelligence, “smile meditation”, and other interesting activities.
The event held by Center for Pancasila Studies UGM is expected to produce a learning model with community-based education paradigm. This event was followed by approximately 50 representatives of all high schools in Yogyakarta.