Nation is the spirit of a country. A nation that is powerful, strong and united with well-built identity will be able to become a just and prosperous nation. Similarly, if Indonesia has those characteristics, they certainly would become the spirit and powerful force for the progress of the nation and the country. Therefore, strengthened national unity and enhanced national spirit will surely strengthen the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Those will make the Indonesian nation not only prosperous, but also respected by the international community.
The question that arises: "Is it true that the Indonesian people are now in such condition? Does this nation still have an identity? There are demands saying that the concept of nationalism is no longer needed. The Indonesian nation has been eroded by globalization and there are no clear boundaries between countries any more. "Decreased nationalism. This kind of view should be answered in this workshop," Drs. Sindung Tjahyadi, M. Hum, said on Wednesday (21/7) during the Indonesian Nationalism Workshop.
He said today’s society felt how Pancasila as the country’s ideology has been marginalized. As an ideology, Pancasila is considered being ‘drowned’ in the globalization and tainted with other notions such as liberalism and capitalism. UGM Center for Pancasila Studies saw the community anxiety related to the intentions that emerged to eliminate Pancasila. Some people want to replace Pancasila with other principles. This reflects in the application of the principle of “Social Justice for People of Indonesia” stated in Pancasila.
Economically, the condition of the people is still poor. Poverty and unemployment rates are increasing. Crime, abuse of power, deception, thuggery and others are inevitable. "Does homo homini lupus really take place? Moreover, corruption practices are still rampant," Sindung added at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, UGM.
Hence, the informal discussion is expected to be able to respond to those various problems of the nation. At least, it will be able to communicate, convey and at the same time address issues facing the Indonesian people today. "In the future, an Indonesian nation that is united, unshaken by bad influence, is expected to materialise," he concluded.