To pass away at home surrounded by beloved relatives might be a dream for someone. No wonder, if the home care nursing movement is now growing rapidly in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and Canada; the home care treatment is even done in a new form that is handled by health care insurance.
Unlike in Indonesia, a home care service (HC) is still relatively new. This service is utilized in majority by the cancer patients in advanced stage (terminal). In Jogjakarta, HC service has been established since 1996. It is the first establishment in Indonesia. "Almost 60 percent of patients we deal with are people with cancer, stroke, diabetes mellitus and so forth," said the internist specialist doctor of Faculty of Medicine of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), dr. Probosuseno, Sp.PD, K-Ger, in palliative care seminar on Saturday.
Probosuseno said that he HC study in Jogjakarta showed that most patients who stay at home, all attended by the families in time of death. They pass away between the hours of 24.00-06.00, followed by 06.00-12.00 and 18.00-24.00. The causes of death are believed to be their terminal stage, which reaches as much as 55 percent while suspected sepsis 45 percent. "The time of decease of most patients can be predicted," said the Chairman of Palliative Community Yogyakarta.
Probo admitted, in addition to the reduced hospitalization cost, patients also feel content with the dialogue, sharing their feeling with relatives helps reduce pain or sadness. "It saves the cost of accommodation, reduces the frequency of hospitalization, and shortens hospital treatment duration after the acute phase," he explained.
According to Probo, homecare is an integral part of care in facing an increasingly fragile physical condition or chronic illness. Implementation of a coordinated HC by the hospital is an effort that is economically feasible as an alternative to hospital care in consideration of the medical, social environment and psychological aspects.
"Home visits of a doctor or paramedic is very beneficial to patients, thus giving an option for patients to be treated," he said. Vice chairman of seminar committee, Christiantie Effendy, S. Kp, M.Kes, said home care is one form of palliative care which is a form of humane health services with the aim of eliminating suffering and improving quality of life of patients and their families.