YOGYAKARTA – Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business (JIEB) Faculty of Economics and Business UGM held the Best Paper Award 2010. The event conducted since 1986 aims to increase interest in writing as well as the quality of articles in scientific journals. According to Musytaqul Hasan (committee chairman/S1 student of Management UGM), JIEB was established in 1986 and continues to publish scientific journals.
"Entering year 2009, the scientific journals have led to internationalization, so that many of them are already in English," Taqul said on the sideline of Seminar on Best Paper Award at the Quality Hotel on Saturday (16/10).
He added that JIEB FEB UGM is an accredited journal and has been through the process of internationalization with grant funding from the Directorate General of Higher Education. It could be said that JIEB is a leading journal in Indonesia in the field of economics and business.
Taqul added that 26 articles have been entered for Best Paper Award 2010. Eleven articles were disqualified, 15 articles can be published, and 5 articles were nominated for the award.
"From 5 article nominations, we selected the best three articles and two articles of consolation winners," he said.
The selection was done from July to August. Between August-September the juries assessed them. The juries were from UGM such as Prof. Mudrajad Kuncoro, Ph.D, Prof. Lincolin Arsyad, Ph.D., and Prof. Catur Sugiyanto, Ph.D. Some aspects assessed in this competition were the title, abstract, problem formulation, assessment method, findings, references and systematics of presentation.
"The articles of all winners will be published in JIEB for year 2011," he added.
Of the papers that have been signed are mostly from State Universities (73%), foreign universities (15%) department/ government institutions (8%) and new private universities (4%). Meanwhile, most articles discuss about management (46%), economics (39%), and accounting (15%).
The five nomination papers are: 1st winner with the title Application of Rule of Law by Jurisdiction Case System on Illegal Logging in Indonesia 2002-2008 (Yudhisthira Hendra Permana, SE from UGM), runner up The Effects of Changes in Minimum Wage on Employment in the Covered and Uncovered Sectors In Indonesia (Devanto Pratomo, Ph.D/UB), 3rd winner. The impact of Reddi on Institution’s Income: a Social Accounting Matrix Approach (Nur Arifatul Ulya S. Hud, MA (Ministry of Forestry), 1st consolation winner Glancing Meteor Shower over Indonesia: Volatility Spilovers From Major Stock Market to Indonesian Stock Market and Currency (Sekar Utami Setiastuti, SE (UGM), and 2nd winner Public Sector Efficiency Measurement Indonesia (Period of Fiscal Decentralization, 2001-2008) (Mayanggita Kirana, SE and Dr. Saleh Samsubar, M.Soc. Sc (UGM).
"The winners will receive an award plaque, publication in JIEB international journal, and some money," he concluded.