According to committee chairman who is also UGM Faculty of Agriculture professor of Entomology and Phytopathology Studies Program, Prof. Dr. Ir. Siti Subandiyah, M.Agr.Sc., food availability is not commensurate with the amount of the world population resulting in uneven distribution and famine. "The problem of food is very important for the life of the nation in the world. Unfortunately, with the increase of population, problems of distribution, quantity and quality of food is not optimal, "said Siti Subandiyah on the sidelines of the conference.
With the gap about the quantity and quality of food between countries in the world, Siti Subandiyah proposes a solution to be found soon. It can be started with research on food safety and security, combined with supportive education and policies.
Through this conference, the proper way and methods to achieve food security and security is expected to be identified. The conference was followed by at least 174 participants from Australia, Bangladesh, China, Egypt, Gambia, India, Iran, Japan, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, Thailand, Turkey, and Uganda. Students who are taking the S-2 and S-3 study attended as participants. Some speakers in attendance, among others, Prof. Teruo Maeda (Hiroshima University), Prof. M. Sambas Sabarnurdin (UGM), Prof. Yont Musig (Kasetsart University in Thailand), Prof. Xue Bai (Shichuan University China), Dr. Irwandi Jaswir (International Islamic University Malaysia), Prof. Y. Andi Trisyono (UGM), and Dr. Narelle Fegan (CSIRO Australia).