YOGYAKARTA – Inconsistency of Pancasila implementation is increasingly found nowadays. Globalization and centralization also encourage these inconsistencies. One form of inconsistencies is manifested in the growth of ethnicity democracy in some areas in the country.
“Then, if the ethnicity democracy continues to occur, it is as if each ethnic group or region competes for its own interests and ignores others. This is not right and Pancasila does not teach anything like that," says sociologist, Prof. Dr. Sunyoto Usman, after discussion of reinterpretation and Socialization of Pancasila in the Perspective of Social and Politics at the UGM Center for Pancasila Studies on Thursday (20/1).
Pancasila, said Sunyoto, teaches that the presence of the unity and diversity remains under the frame of one God. In the previous administration, such as in the era of Sukarno and Suharto, Pancasila is implemented in different formats. In the Sukarno era, there were the nation and character building concept as well as the concept of mutual help. While in the era of Suharto, Pancasila was implemented for stability. Role of the State as ruler is very dominant to accommodate a variety of diversity, nationalism and harmony.
"In the New Order era, for example, there was Pancasila indoctrination for civil servants, etc.," he said.
In Sunyoto Usman’s view, the position of the concept of Pancasila is also still unclear. The era of openness of information including the rampant use of virtual world (cyber) increasingly blurs the concept of Pancasila.
Complementing this statement, head of the UGM Center for Pancasila Studies, Drs Sindung Tjahyadi, M. Hum, gave an example that the inconsistency of Pancasila implementation in college is the application of various old theories and teaching methodologies up until today while change and renewal of the various theories are wide open.
"For example, theory and methods in college that have been worn out are still in use. It’s a small sample of Pancasila inconsistencies," Sindung added.
On the other hand, the study of Pancasila so far has not been conducted in a more empirical approach while the Pancasila studies involving other disciplines, such as anthropology or sociology, is open to be conducted.
Sindung assessed the internalization of Pancasila, especially toward the younger generation became a challenge to be adressed. P4 implementation as in the New Order era has no longer appropriate to be applied at this time. Center for Pancasila Studies is still doing research and study so that Pancasila can be internalized to the community better. Some programs have been made, such as the nation’s cadre training (TKB) for high school students.
"It is not possible to conduct another “coercion" of P4 concept like in the New Order era," said the lecturer of the UGM Faculty of Philosophy.