YOGYAKARTA – Faculty of Law inaugurated the office of Law Career Development Center (LCDC) for students and graduates of the Faculty, Saturday (18/2). The inauguration was marked by ribbon cutting ceremony conducted by Dean of Faculty of Law of UGM Prof. Dr. Marsudi Triatmodjo, SH, LL.M., accompanied by Head of LCDC, Dani Krisnawati, S.H, M. Hum. Attending the event were alumni of the Faculty, such as Special Staff to the President for Law affairs, Prof. Dr. Denny Indrayana, Member of Parliament Ganjar Pranowo, Judge Albertino Ho, and Head of the National Law Development Agency, Dr. Wicipto Setiadi.
In his speech, Marsudi said the establishment of LCDC is to improve the competence of graduates to compete in the work by providing career facilities. "The point is that we want to improve the quality of our graduates and to place the faculty a level higher. We hope our graduates have an international standard quality," said Marsudi.
To reporters, Dani Krisnawati, SH, M. Hum said that the establishment of LCDC aims to be information center to introduce students of Faculty of Law to job market and center for career development for graduates. "LCDC is an important part of this Faculty to guarantee graduates, to maintain excellence and to improve communication among students with alumni and between alumni," she said.
She added that Faculty of Law graduates are aware that competition in the world is very tight and internationally competitive. "So, we prepare the quality of graduates to be able to work professionally and compete internationally," she said.
LCDC will provide comprehensive career information system and technology to assist students who are about to graduate in the form of training and media links between graduates with stakeholders who require qualified graduates.
"We also provide job information, briefing graduate candidates. We also invite alumni to come to give motivation and share experience in their career," she said.
The LCDC located in Faculty of Law also provides free books about career opportunities for graduates.