In order to disseminate research results related to the innovation and development in the field of veterinary medicine and animal sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada held an international seminar entitled Advanced Technology on Veterinary and Life Sciences, Saturday (12/3), in the Auditorium of the Faculty. The seminar aiming to get the latest information in the field of cloning, biotechnology, and diagnostic equipment, presented speakers including Animal Health Director of the Directorate General of Husbandry and Animal Health, Dr. drh. Pudjiatmoko, Director of Animal Hospital of Seoul National University, Prof. Byeong Chun Lee, Min Kyu Kim, Ph.D., and Goo Jang, Ph.D.
This international seminar also discussed the latest situation of the diseases in different areas and food security of animal origin as well as a variety of the latest research results. Goo Jang, D.V.M., Ph.D in his paper entitled Transgenic Model in Cows and Pigs discussed cloning in animals. He said that animal was the best choice as a model for bio-medical research.
Meanwhile, Byeong Chun Lee explained in detail about the progress of dog cloning in the last five years. Cloning in dogs can be done through micromanipulation technique of injection of donor cells. In addition, the seminar discussed about various cloning procedures.