In order to stabilize step towards qualified and characterized learning, Faculty of Geography Universitas Gadjah Mada develops a network by building a base camp at Parangtritis Geospatial Laboratory, Bantul. The laying of the corner stone was conducted on Wednesday (16/3) by Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Suratman, M.Sc. The two partners, Bakosurtanal and Bantul regency, also attended and witnessed the event.
In his speech, the Dean said the historical development of the Geospatial Laboratory is a form of three-party cooperation, namely UGM, Bakosurtanal, and Bantul Regency. The cooperation aims to conduct collaborative research of coastal and marine resources for the development of science and technology based on geospatial information. "With the support of the basecamp, the laboratory is expected to function optimally for the welfare of the community," he said.
A one-floor Basecamp on an area measuring 200 m2 is named GeoCamp. In addition to be the practice field for academicians in geospatial and coastal field, GeoCamp is expected to be developed in order to build a network of business and entrepreneurship for Faculty of Geography, particularly for the development of edu-geotourism, such as beach tourism guide training, ecotourism group discussions, beach life briefing and adaptation, as well as coastal outbound. "In addition to students and educational tourism researchers, some targetted people are tourists, nature and environment expedition groups, and natural disasters observers (beach)," said the Dean.