YOGYAKARTA- Comfortable and cool atmosphere can be felt when one day we walk on the UGM campus, especially in the vicinity of the Faculty of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. There we will see the canopy in place that covers us from the heat or rain. Yes, indeed UGM is currently working to develop the educopolis campus, i.e. an environment that is conducive to the learning process in the context of the development of multidisciplinary collaborations and responsive to ecological issues in order to achieve the university’s vision.
"One of them is through the creation and development of the canopy," said Director of UGM Assets Management and Maintenance, Dr. Ing. Singgih Hawibowo.
Mr. Singgih presents that one of the steps to achieve educopolis campus is done by installing the canopy on several sidewalks. This, equipped with vines, has been initiated since the year 2009 and thereafter will be developed in stages.
"In 2009 the canopy was installed in the south of Faculty of Forestry (Jl Tridharma 1), and in 2010 it was in Socio Yustisia road (northside of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences) and Jl Flora (westside of the Faculty of Agriculture)," said Singgih.
Singgih admitted that the canopy establishment in line with the educopolis concept in UGM Strategic Plan is to increasingly giving priority to comfort and safety for pedestrians and cyclists in the campus environment. In addition, a new track is also planned to be created. This is expected to provide more convenient access for pedestrians and cyclists to cross/go to other work units.
"To be more efficient, we also create new tracks such as by removing the Faculty fences and replace with entry access so that interaction with other work units can be easier and more efficient," Singgih explained.
The basic principles of campus physical development in accordance with UGM Strategic Plan is as a system of social interaction that is typical to academic community, independent, international vision in a high spirit of nationalism. As a social system, according to Mr Singgih, UGM campus area should be able to accommodate and ensure the sustainability of the learning process of the academic community that has been planned in the university’s strategic plan.
"Then, it will be appropriate if the vision and physical development direction of UGM is to realize the Educopolis campus," he explained. In line with Mr. Singgih, Drs. Suratman, M. Si, Secretary of Directorate of Assets and Management adds that the concept of canopy development is not only in the UGM campus at the east region of the Kaliurang road but also at the Westside. Suratman adds that in terms of budget, the project is funded by DIPA APBN budget.
"It is done gradually both for the Sekip area as well as Bulaksumur. For the year 2011, for example, we have planned to establish it in the vicinity of the east side of Graha Sabha Pramana or the Socio-Humanities road," said Suratman. He expressed the concept of making a canopy up to this date receives pretty good response from the academic community. Even some faculties requested to have the canopy built.
"With the canopy and reduction of fences for the pedestrian access, student communication between faculties is s getting better, for example, the communication between the students of the Faculty of Forestry and the faculty of Agriculture," Suratman explained.
Meanwhile, the students who usually walk their way to the campus welcomed the canopy establishment program. Ajeng and Vika, students of the Faculty of Agriculture class of 2009, claimed to feel more comfortable and cool when walking under a canopy on the west side of the Faculty of Agriculture. "We agree and support the establishment of canopy. We proposed that the vines be well maintained and be added with more vines to make it shady,” she said.
With the canopy, especially pedestrians at UGM will no longer be worried with possible heat from the sun or the rain. Besides, the campus looks more beautiful and comfortable.