Provincial Government of Yogyakarta, UGM, Government of Sleman regency and TV One jointly launch 1017 of temporary housings for survivors of Mt. Merapi eruption in the Gondang village, Cangkringan, Sleman. The launching was marked by the signing of the inscriptions by the Governor of Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M. Eng., Ph.D, Sleman Regent Drs. H. Sri Purnomo and Director of News Sport TV One, Nurjaman Mochtar.
"I express profuse gratitude for the help of the community, especially the audience of TV One that has helped some communities in Yogyakarta, especially the survivors of the Merapi eruption," said Sultan at the Gondang village Kepuharjo Cangkringan, Sleman, Friday (1/4) in his speech.
Spirit of Merapi, help and share with each other in need
Despite its temporary nature, said Sultan, the shelter building is much more convenient than refugee camp. Therefore, the temporary housing is expected to be a means to rebuild the life of those who had lived in IDP’s camps for two months. "I’m sure at the time it is not a normal circumstance, so now it’s time to rebuild life," said Sultan.
In a couple weeks, the Sultan promised to return to this area to invite the community to have dialogue. He wanted to explore their aspiration for the future after the eruption. "I want to know the aspiration of all ladies and gentlemen. Do you want to relocate or not? Because this must be resolved, only with that we can solve the problems," he said.
To be more effective in the dialogue, the Sultan asked the head of the sub-village to note various aspirations from now on. "Nevertheless, I ask you that before I come here later the sub-village chief has gathered the aspirations of the community members rather than everyone coming with his/her own idea. So, later on the dialogue would be more effective," the Sultan said.
The gratitude for the completion of the shelter building was also delivered by UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M. Eng., Ph.D. He said the concept of building created by UGM illustrates buildings that are universally comfortable to inhabit. With such concept of comfortable building, the occupants are able to conduct good social relations.
"UGM’s duty is in education, research and community service. We will continue to accompany the community, so that togetherness with the community will add to the experience, knowledge and skills. Later, the activity undertaken will increase the community’s economy. That’s what we call empowerment, which for so long has been conducted by lecturers and students," said the Rector.
Meanwhile, the Regent of Sleman Drs. H. Sri Purnomo expressed in his speech that the development of shelter up to March 30, 2011 has reached 94.6% or 2356 units from 2613 units that are planned. Some 88% or 2311 units are already occupied.
He explained that as many as 2613 families have lost their homes. This number is rising with the addition of 23 new families which according to the plan will be relocated in the Glagaharjo and Umbulharjo shelter.
While the result of cold lava floods as many as 142 housing units were damaged and four people injured. Other damages are in the form of facilities and environmental infrastructure, such as bridges, weirs, culverts and village roads.
The Regent said that the losses due to cold lava flood reached up to Rp 92.87 billion. "The construction of the shelters in Gondang Kepuharjo, Cangkringan, becomes a tangible example of togetherness and concern of TV One’s viewers and the community of Sleman in the face of Merapi eruption disaster. Therefore, on behalf of individuals and the community of Sleman, we would like to express our deepest gratitude. This is certainly very helpful for the community to recover," he said.