Banana hump chips as a nutritious alternative food requires further development to compete with other chips products on the market. One is by improving the quality of chips through the treatment process. During this time, the producers are still using conventional methods in processing the chips.
Based on this condition, students of UGM joining PKMM group held a Technology Development activity (Technical Guidance). The activity that took place on Friday (4/1) in the Faculty of Agricultural Technology was attended by residents of Ponggok sub-village, Sidomulyo, Bambanglipuro district, Bantul regency. The residents are very keen to listen to explanations from Bandono, technician from Process Engineering Laboratory, who conveys information about the vacuum frying.
Vacuum frying is a frying pan device that uses low pressure so the ingredients are quickly cooked and not burnt. This tool is suitable for application on materials with high sugar levels that are particularly prone to browning process, one of which is the banana hump. "The result will be crispier, and the color is better," said Bandono.
In addition to laboratory visits, the socialization about packaging is also conveyed by Devi Yuni Susanti, S.T.P, lecturer of the same Faculty. Devi communicates the importance of product packaging. Packaging also became the center of products’ information and promotion. "A good and attractive packaging will certainly affect the consumer in their decision to choose the product. Material for packaging should also be adjusted to the circumstances and purpose of packaging," she said.