YOGYAKARTA – Confidence is a capital that is essential for gaining success. However, for some people, confidence remains a major constraint. What causes people to become less confident?
According to some psychologists, always in trouble with the desire causes people to become less confident. "The desire that does not fit with reality makes people inconfident, and yet we are required to manage this desire into reality," said Noor Rahmani, an UGM psychologist, in Talkshow Cenat-cenut nggak pede? Mau tahu solusinya? (Got headache and inconfident? Want to know the solution?) held at Margono Building, Faculty of Dentistry, UGM, Saturday (9/4). The activity organized by GMC Health Center also presented a psychologist, Helly Prajitno, and vice president of IPSA International, Choiryatun Nur Annisah.
Noor Rahmani explained that inconfidence not only causes a person not successful in life, but also affects the feeling to be always depressed. Behaviors that emerge are excessive sense of inferiority and always feel unhappy. "Most of them are always struggling with the problems," he said.
Someone who does not have confidence at least frequently releases ‘negative energy’, whereas the energy affects for health, such as heart beat always increases and the blood circulation to the brain becomes fluent. Self-distrust even causes a person look older than his/her age. "No wonder, the negative energy causes people easily sick," he added.
To improve self-confidence, Noor Rahmani suggested that a person accepts the reality of life. Therefore, the ability to manage the desire with the reality is required. Meanwhile, a tip to be successful, according to Noor, is very important to train the talent that they have. It is useless if someone already has talent, but not trained. "Explore your talent because people are successful because they have talent and train that talent," he explained to students.
Besides, for more successes, one must get out of the comfort zone because the more successful a person, his/her comfort zone will increase.