To collect inputs in order to anticipate climate change effects on agriculture and livestock sector, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Ir. Bayu Krisnamurthi pays a visit to UGM. The visit received by the Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M.Eng. Ph.D., accompanied by the Dean of Agro Complex on Wednesday (13/4).
The meeting revealed the government’s desire to get various inputs from UGM experts related to simple, practical and innovative technology in order to increase food production and agriculture in the middle of climate change issue.
The hope was in form of variety of technology development and innovation in various locations and on various commodities to be able to adapt in order to increase food and agriculture production. "I hope this simple technology will be able to be adopted and applied in society," said Bayu Krisnamurthi in the LPPM conference room.
Bayu admitted various steps that he had taken seem not in line with the various agricultural programs at the national level. But he still made these efforts in relation to the climate change that has seriously threatened the success of agriculture and livestock sector in Indonesia.
Meanwhile, the Rector said that UGM has indeed performed various roles in the face of climate change for a long time. Even in the future program, the UGM has designed the establishment of a new interest in form of course of Climate Change Adaptation & Mitigation study program.
Learning from the eruption of Merapi, said the Rector, the event has changed the living conditions of society. By presenting simple concepts, the people in the region are expected to remain prosperous. "With technologies that are simple, people are expected to have a harmonious way of life," he explained.
Many hope presented by the Dean of Agriculture complex in this meeting. Expectations and the proposal are submitted by Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture Prof. Ir. Triwibowo Yuwono, Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of Animal Science, Prof. Dr. Ir. Tri Yuwanta, S.U, DEA, Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology Dr. Ir. Djagal Wiseso Marseno, M. Agr, and Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Prof. Dr. drh. Bambang Sumiarto Moecharom, S.U., M.Sc.