Sociedad Indonesia para America Latina (SIpAL), Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, again, held a Seminar on Latin American Studies – Politics Cluster. The event was held on Tuesday (3/5) in the East Wing Seminar Room of the Faculty under the theme "Challenges to Democracy in Latin America".
The seminar discussing various issues related to the dynamics of the implementation of the political system that produces a variety of implications in the Latin American regions presented Eric Hiariej, Ph.D., an expert on international relations of UGM Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, as one of the speakers.
Eric Hiariej on the occasion talked about the political images of many countries in Latin America. Almost all types of political systems have been and would be implemented in various countries in the region. "All kinds of political systems ranging from the extreme left wing such as socialism, communism, right-wing socialism, authoritarian regime in many variants, and the liberal democratic system, have been applied in several Latin American countries," he said.
According to Eric, the application of the political systems in most Latin American countries is tentative. "So, no wonder if the Latin American region is referred to as a "living laboratory",’Eric said.