The third Congress of Pancasila will be held in Surabaya, precisely at Airlangga University, from May 31 to June 1, 2011. Earlier, the first Congress was held in 2009 at the University of Gadjah Mada, while the second congress in 2010 was held in Denpasar, Bali. "Now in 2011, Airlangga University will act as host in Surabaya. The third Congress of Pancasila is held in cooperation with the University of Gadjah Mada through the Center for Pancasila Studies UGM, Airlangga University, and People’s Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia (MPR RI)” said Head of the Center, Drs. Sindung Tjahyadi, M. Hum., Friday (27/5).
Sindung said that the third Congress of Pancasila is scheduled to deliver keynote speech of the MPR Speaker, which will be delivered by the Vice Chairman, Dr. Ahmad Farhan Hamid, MS, will raise the theme of ‘Hope, Challenges, and Opportunities of Civilizing the values of Pancasila’. "This Congress is an appropriate and strategic momentum in the context of current Indonesia. On the one hand, very deep concern appears for the fate of Pancasila that are increasingly marginalized, and even removed from the state and civic life. But on the other hand, awareness about the urgency to return to the Pancasila has also appeared," he said.
Other guest speakers in this Congress will include Gamawan Fauzi (Minister of Home Affairs) and Sukarwo (Governor of East Java) as a representative of the state administrator; then Prof. Dr. Muchlas Samani; Prof. Dr. Nursyam, M.Sc.; Prof. Dr. Aloys A. Nugroho; Prof. Dr. Ayu Sutarto; Prof. Dr. Puruhito; Prof. dr. Sam Suharto Sp. from among scientists and academics, as well as Prof. Dr. Syafii Ma’arif, Dr. HC. Alim Markus, Pdt. Simon Filantropa, and Budi Santoso as the representatives of religious and civic leaders.
The congress will present fragments of PPKI meeting by the Gama Tua Group Theatre, led by Suharyoso, S.K. The Congress will also give the opportunity for supporters of Pancasila to participate and convey ideas in the form of papers and posters presentation. "The enthusiasm of the community to deliver paper for the congress is quite high, evidence is 91 abstracts are collected from academics and Pancasila activists from around Indonesia. The abstracts are finally selected by the committee to 36 abstracts and papers to be presented," he explained.