Yogyakarta – As a campus which applies the concept of Eco-Friendly Campus, Faculty of Geography, UGM held earthquake disaster response simulation on Friday, May 27, 2011. The activity was followed enthusiastically by academic community of Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada. The simulation aims to provide real description of earthquakes marked by a two-time siren rings.
The first siren was rung at 10.00 hours and lasted no more than 60 seconds, signing a small earthquake. At that time, the residents are expected to remain quiet in the room.
Ten minutes later at 10.10 the siren was rung continuously for more than 30 seconds as a sign of a big earthquake. All students, faculty and academic officers ran outside the building and immediately went toward 3 gathering points that have been specified.
When they already gathered, the committee provided explanation and distributed leaflets on what actions to take when an earthquake happens. The event was followed by remarks from Dean of Faculty of Geography UGM, Prof. Dr. Suratman, M.Sc., who conveyed the importance of instilling an understanding to respond to disasters because Indonesia is vulnerable to disasters, such as earthquakes, tsunami and volcanic eruption. It is to minimize the number of casualties.
In addition, disaster simulation is also intended to commemorate the earthquake on May 27, 2006 in Bantul, which claimed the lives of more than 5,000 people. Prayers were said for victims and closed with a book launching by Drs. Joko Christanto, M.Sc. entitled Gempa Bumi: Kerusakan, Kebijakan, dan Strategi Pengelolaan (Earthquake: Damage, Policy and Management Strategy).
Faculty of Geography UGM is expected to encourage all Faculties in UGM to do the same thing, at least once a year to all campuses throughout Indonesia. (Dr. Lutfi Muta’ali, S.Si., MT).