Universitas Gadjah Mada has a number of strategic plans for university development; one of those is aimed at lecturers. It is targetted in the Strategic Plan of UGM that by 2014 UGM will have 24% of its lecturers have earned professorship.
“Seeing the potential, we’re optimistic to be able to achieve the target of the Plan, which is 24% lecturers have become professors,“ said Senior Vice Rector for Administrative, Finance and Human Resource Development, Prof. Ainun Na’im, Ph.D., on Thursday (23/6) at the Senate Hall of UGM when giving a speech in the Workshop, Career Ladder for Lecturers of UGM.
Up to now, UGM has 2,128 lecturers, so far only 272 (13%) have earned professorship. Lecturers with doctorate are 546 (40%). “Of this number, not a few have no promotion. Around 25% have no promotion for 10 years,” he said.
Ainun said that the number of professors is one of the main indicators of the quality of university. The quality of professors is another main indicator.
In his opinion, the achievement of a professorship is very important for a university. He emphasised, however, that it is not only the titles that matter but productivity and contribution for community. “A lecturer/professor who does not conduct research in a certain period of time would be categorised as having no academic quality because they give no contribution to community. This is the current challenge,” he explained.
The Workshop was joined by some 250 senior lecturers, presenting resource persons, Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Hadisutrisno., DAA., and Prof. Ir. Wahyudi Budi Sediawan., SU., Ph.D., who delivered a speech on strategy and ways to achieve professorship.