Computer Science Team of Department of Computer Science and Electronics (JIKE) UGM Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science won the third place in Programming Competition in the Computer Festival held at the University of Indonesia, Sunday, June 26, 2011. In addition to programming competitions, in the national competitions ‘One Stop IT Event’ that is held annually by the Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia there are also a variety of competitions, workshops, seminars, entertainment, and exhibition.
For the competition category, the contested competitions are programming, blogging, game design, and robotics. Team ‘ein’ of Computer Science Program, JIKE, which consists of Bagus Seto Wiguno, Ardhian Heru Nugroho, and M. Ariza Ramaditia R. won the third place at university level. Meanwhile, the second ranking is won by "Ketua Compfest" from Bina Nusantara University, and the first by "Dongskar Pedongi – RevolutiO (N)" from Institute Technology of Bandung.
Bagus Seto Wiguno representing the team said the concept of university level programming contest follows the concept of programming competition held by ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), the ICPC (International Collegiate Programming Contest). For the preliminary round, the contestants in three-person teams are given problems to be solved within a certain period. The teams work via the Internet. The best 20 teams are selected. They received an invitation to advance to the finals at the Faculty of Computer Science of University of Indonesia (UI).
In the final round at the UI, 20 teams are given problems to be solved within five hours. The finalist teams are placed in a closed room and provided one computer each to solve the given problems. “After five hours, the jury determines the three best teams,” Bagus explained at UGM, Tuesday (5/7).
In addition to the plaque, the three best teams also get coaching money from the committee. The winner entitles to six million Rupiah, the second winner entitles to four million five hundred thousand Rupiah, and third winner get three million Rupiah. “The ‘ein’ team is actually not the only team that participated in the university level programming competition from UGM. There are two other teams, namely ‘Zwei’ and ‘Momiji’. Unfortunately, both these teams have not been successful to qualify for the finals at the Faculty of Computer Science University of Indonesia,” said Bagus.