Yogyakarta- Diploma III Archival Students Association, Vocational School, Universitas Gadjah Mada will hold National Seminar on Archive with the theme Integrated Archival Management with Information Technology Development. The seminar is planned to be held on Saturday (9/7) at 5th Floor Seminar Room, UGM Graduate School.
Committee Chairman, Laras Wijayanti, said that the seminar is to commemorate the 17th anniversary of Diploma III Archive Department. The theme selection is based on the development of information technology which influences many fields, including archiving. Therefore, providing archives as quickly as needed is demanded. “Archival management in electronic form is one of the alternatives to respond to the problem,” Laras said, Wednesday (6/7).
Head of Archive Department, Waluyo, S.S., M.Hum said that during the seventeen years, his department has produced more than 900 alumni (from 1997 to May 2011). They work in many institutions such as National Archive of Republic of Indonesia, Ministries, Regional Archive Agencies, educational institutions and private institutions,” he said.
The seminar aimed for university students, academic community, archival practitioners and the public presents speakers from government institutions, academicians, and IT experts; these include Head of National Archive of Republic of Indonesia (ANRI), H.M. Asichin, S.H., Head of UGM Archive, Drs. Machmoed Effendhie, M.Hum., and telematics practitioner from UGM, Mardhani Riasetiawan, S.E., Akt., M.T.