To realize educopolis campus and to promote cycling culture among academic community, Universitas Gadjah Mada launched campus bike in an event called UGM Ngepit (UGM Cycling). The launching was conducted by UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M.Eng., Ph.D., on Thursday (14/7) at the yard of UGM Balairung. The Rector in his remarks said that UGM Ngepit is expected to create a better future. “By riding a bike on campus environment makes the body not only healthy, but also improves the relationship among students as candidates of national leader in many fields,” he said.
The Rector hoped that the campus bike is able to bring positive impacts for UGM and wider community. Besides, it can create healthier lifestyle for students. “The expectation from the campus bike is to create a new lifestyle which is healthier for students. New students of year 2011 will pioneer in building this new lifestyle,” Rector said.
Meanwhile, Director of Asset Management and Maintenance of UGM, Dr. Ing. Singgih Hawibowo, in his report mentioned that the bike provision has been initiated since year 2005 by Center for Transportation and Logistics Studies, Center for Tourism Studies, and Center for Environment Studies, with their biking program known as Sepeda Hijau (Green Bike). “Sepeda Hijau program gets positive appreciation. Therefore, campus bike is launched as an effort to give service for the increasing use of bikes,” he explained.
Singgih said that the campus bike is provided to be borrowed by students, teaching and non-academic staff and guests. In the inauguration, UGM provided 200 units of campus bikes and 20 bike racks, given by PT. Gama Multi Usaha Mandiri (GMUM). Campus bike stations are provided in the locations which are not too far from transportaton facilities such as bus stops and parking areas in Biology Department and parking lot of UGM Valley. The stations are also provided in the locations that are frequently visited by students, such as libraries and Student Center. Besides, the bikes are also provided in some clusters namely engineering, medical, vocational and fauna clusters.
Currently, eight bike stations have been prepared and soon will be completed with some sub-stations, among others at GMC Health Center and Student Dormitory of Bulaksumur Residence. “Hopefully, this campus bike will get positive appreciation from all UGM community, particularly new students of year 2011 who have declared not to ride motor vehicles to campus,” Singgih said.
Singgih expected that the initiation of campus bike can bring snowball effects, namely increasing number of students who ride bikes, increasing companies of university partners to support the provision of bikes and racks, and increasing number of bike riders from academic community that can boost public facilities improvement related to the safety and comfort of bike riders and pedestrians, particularly in Yogyakarta. “Hopefully, this cycling movement can last sustainably and create wider snowball effect,” he ended.
After the inauguration, the Rector, university leadership and UGM community rode bikes together around the campus. The bike service opens during work days from Monday – Thursday between 06.30 am – 16.00 pm. On Friday, the service opens between 06.30 am – 15.00 pm. Before using this facility, people should register first at bike stations. After this, the bike can be used for trips from station to station on campus.