The existence of a number of regulatory changes in health, particularly in pharmaceuticals in the past two years is fresh air for professional pharmacists in performing pharmacy services. The changes cause a consequence for the pharmacists who initially focused on medication management as a commodity becoming a comprehensive service activity to improve the quality of life of the patients. Some of the referred regulations are Law No. 36 Year 2009 on Health, Government Regulation No. 51 Year 2009 on Pharmaceutical Works, and Ministry of Health Regulation Number 889/Menkes/Per/V/2011 about Registration, Practice License, and Work Permit for Pharmaceutical Workers.
Central Board Chairman of the Pharmacists Association of Indonesia (PP IAI), Drs. M Dani Pratomo, M.M., Apt., said that the changing role of pharmacists towards pharmaceutical care is an important factor in the process of health reform. With the shift in orientation of pharmacist profession toward the practice of pharmaceutical, the pharmacists should not only be able to apply their competence in the field of pharmacy, but also be required to enhance the knowledge and skills to communicate with other health professionals actively and interact with patients directly. "To improve service quality, the pharmacist has to always maintain competence and perform it professionally," Dani said in Faculty of Pharmacy, Thursday (28/7), at Seminar entitled Pharmacists’ Strategy in Facing Changes in Regulation and Recent Service Developments in Pharmacy.
In order that pharmacists can maintain professionalism in practice, it needs "coercive" element, namely, continuing professional development (CPD). This method is a systematic guidance effort to improve and develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes of pharmacists. The arenas of CPD activities include professional practice, learning, community service, scientific publication, and scientific development. "CPD in Government Regulation No. 51 Year 2009 is by requiring pharmacists to have a letter of pharmacist registration to be able to run the pharmaceutical practice," he explained.
With the number of regulations, there is no other option for Indonesians unless becoming pharmacist in accordance with Law No. 36 Year 2009 and Government Regulation No. 51 Year 2009. Therefore, it takes some preparation, such as preparing pharmacists who have Pharmacist’s Practice License (SIPA) and preparing practical training program of pharmacists in pharmacy services.
Head of Health Office of Yogyakarta Province, Dr. Saminto, M. Kes., on the occasion said that the pharmacists who have a letter of assignment before the implementation of Government Regulation No. 51 Year 2009 still can run their pharmaceutical profession. It is similar for pharmaceutical technicians. Furthermore, the pharmacist should replace the letter of assignment with the Pharmacist Registration Certificate (STRA) no later than August 31, 2011. To get STRA, pharmacist ought to have a pharmacist diploma, certificate of competency, and has pledged the oath of pharmacist.