The use of herbs for health treatment has been carried out by the Indonesian people since centuries ago, passed down from generation to generation. However, some herbal treatments are still not appropriate and irrational, for example at the community of Sendangmulyo villager, Minggir, Sleman. The fact encourages five students of Faculty of Pharmacy of Universitas Gadjah Mada to socialize the use of herbs for the treatment appropriately and rationally.
The five students are Immas H. Titi, Arina N. Baroroh, Kurnia Amanti, Novita Inar A., and Lutfiana Dwi A. They establish an herbal homeschooling program in the Sendangmulyo Village due to the huge potential of natural resources in the region, especially the herbs. Some existing plants in the region are turmeric, ginger, Javanese turmeric (temulawak), zedoary (kencur), bitter, willows, kejibeling, brotowali and katuk, which grow wild naturally and have not been cultivated. "In Sendangmulyo, the herbal plants are very abundant and have been used for herbal medicine. However, the use in the treatment has not been done properly and rationally. For instance, the use of bitter leaf for hypertension treatment only needs 5-7 ½ pieces of the leaves that are brewed in half cup of hot water and taken 3 times a day. However, people often use the size and dosage at their own will, not according to standards," said Immas when talking to the reporters on Thursday (4/8) at UGM Stana Parahita.
The herbal homeschooling program established by the five students involves the Khoirunnisa Women Farmer Group of Sendangmulyo. In addition to general herbal knowledge, the women farmer groups were taught how to cultivate the herbs, harvesting techniques and post-harvest processing. In addition, the herbal homeschooling also provided knowledge about the use of herbs for health treatment appropriately and rationally (fitotherapy). "The program we offered was well received by the members of Khoirunnisa group. The women were quite enthusiastic about the program. Whenever there is a meeting, at least 30 people are present, at the session fitotherapy there are even about 70 women in attendance," she explained.
The herbal homeschooling program that was formed on May 14, 2011 has successfully educated 11 women who were actively involved in the formation of Herbal Village station. This is an information station of appropriate and rational herb usage located in the Sembuhan sub-village, Sendangmulyo Village, Minggir, Sleman regency.
The homeschooling has delivered the young students to win gold medals in the presentation category at the PIMNAS XXIV held at the Hasanuddin University, Makassar, sometime ago.
Lutfiana Dwi A. added the established Herbal Village station has five work programs that were formulated jointly by the members and students. The programs are monthly meeting, the cultivation of herbs, counseling, herbal processing, and marketing of processed herbal. "Some time ago, the women there had already implemented several programs, namely the manufacture of instant ginger and herbs for the health, such as slimming herbal medicine and bride herbal cosmetic," said the student of class of 2009.
Although the student creativity program period has ended, the five students are still doing the mentoring of work program. "With the present of cadre, the herbal station and the developed work programs, we believe this program can be sustainable, thus Sendangmulyo Village could become a pilot village that is able to independently practice herbs for their health," said Lutfiana.
In the future, they do not rule out the possibility to make herbal homeschooling in other areas. However, for now until one year ahead, Immas and friends focused on strengthening the herbal homeschooling that has been formed in Sendangmulyo. "Now we just focus on strengthening the one at Sendangmulyo. But, in the future it is also possible for us to make herbal homeschooling in other areas," she said.