Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M. Eng., Ph.D., accompanied by Dean of the Faculty of Geography, Prof. Dr. Suratman, M.Sc., in his office on Friday (12/8) released twelve S-2 students of Management Planning for Coastal and Watershed Area (MPPDAS) who will take one semester of study and writing thesis proposal in Germany, Brazil, and Nepal.
The students who will leave in early September 2011 are the first group, consisting of Sutanto Trijuni Putro (Watershed Area Hydrology ), Moammar Gomareuzzaman (Coastal Management), Riswan Septriayadi Sianturi (Coastal Community), Rizki Yustiana Mukti (Small island’s Ecosystem), and Herlan Darmawan (Volcano). They will do the program in Germany. Next are Yosi Septa Mutiarni (Urban Planning), Nurshakti Adi Pratomoatmojo (Climate Change), Taufik Hidayatullah (Disaster Management), Fahrudin Hanafi (Hydrology), Anang Widhi Nirwansyah (Community Development), and Kusuma Rahmawati (Forestry), and Novi Maulida Ni’mah who are going to Brazil to take the Coastal Management program.
According to the Dean, the transfer of students abroad is to realize the world class research university (WCRU). In order to realize the desires, the Faculty’s S-2 Program of Management Planning for Coastal and Watershed Area conducts a pioneering joint degree program with partner universities abroad. "Some universities abroad who work with us include the Cologne University of Applied Science (CUAS) Germany, the Universidade Federal of Fluminense (uff), Brazil, and Tribhuvan University (TU) Nepal." All of this is thanks to the support of Distinguish scholarship programs of the Ministry of National Education and the Center for Natural Resources Development (CNRD), "said Suratman.
In addition to joint degree programs, they currently joined in the international network of CNRD (Center for Natural Resources Development). Ten other countries joining the CNRD are Brazil, Chile, Germany, Mexico, Jordan, Egypt, Mozambique, Nepal, Vietnam, and Indonesia. In this network, CNRD receives financial support from DAAD (German student exchange service) for a period of 5 years, 2009-2014.
Also within the framework of CNRD network, Faculty of Geography receives guest lecturers from Mexico and Germany as well as sending their lecturers, Dr. Projo Danoedoro, to teach in Vietnam, Dr. Danang Sri Hadmoko to Nepal, Dr. Djati Mardiatno to Brazil, and Dr. rer. nat. Muh. Aris Marfai to Egypt. "In addition, this year one of the lecturers of Faculty of Geography, Prof. Dr. Junun Sartohadi, is trusted to lead CNRD the network and live in Germany for a year," the Dean explained.
On this occasion, the Rector welcomed the joint degree program that had been pioneered by the Faculty of Geography. In his message, the Rector warns on the long-term sustainability of this program. Without thorough preparation and planning, it is possible that this kind of cooperation programs could stop along the way. He also advises participants not to just track citations from international journals, but also contributing significantly to the community. "To that end, the research should be implemented properly, because UGM in the future is expected to be capable as an agent that contributes to the civilisation, usefulness, and the happiness of human beings," said the Rector.
Meanwhile, Dr. rer. nat. Muh Aris Marfai, Head of Foreign Cooperation Bureau Faculty of Geography, also the Chairman of the MPPDAS Program explains the pioneering joint degree program has been ongoing since 2009. Since that year the Faculty did not only send students and faculty abroad, but also received faculty and students from abroad. "For this year, UGM Faculty of Geography receives students from Germany, France, Nepal, and Tanzania for the S-2 and S-3 programs," said Aris Marfai.